
The package containing blubbtris components blubbtris.tar.gz If you have dependency problems, install the dependencies of your distribution's xtris package via your package manager (eg (debian-based): apt-get build-dep xtris)

xtris: client for xtris server which feeds the image to gigorgel

./xtrisclient -x blubb.muirauqa.org -p <puerto ip/gigagoyle server>

— Puerto —

Public IP:

If the server doesn't accept connections you may need to connect to it through Puerto's Wifi. Use as -p's parameter.

the client

./xtris blubb.muirauqa.org

the size of the game

change 'ROWS' and 'COLS' according to the size in xtris

und die Beschallung: ALLE mitsingen!!!

echo blubbtris: {,düdü,düdü,düdü,düdü,düdü,,,,}dümm

projects/blubbtris/blubbtris_fuer_alle_-_20h.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/01/24 11:33 von skruppy