/* * A multi-player version of Tetris for the X Window System * * Copyright (C) 1996 Roger Espel Llima * * Started: 10 Oct 1996 * Version: 1.15 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation. See the file COPYING for details. * */ #define VERSION "1.15" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEFAULTPORT 19503 #define PROT_VERS_1 1 #define PROT_VERS_2 0 #define PROT_VERS_3 1 #define OP_NICK 1 #define OP_PLAY 2 #define OP_FALL 3 #define OP_DRAW 4 #define OP_LOST 5 #define OP_GONE 6 #define OP_CLEAR 7 #define OP_NEW 8 #define OP_LINES 9 #define OP_GROW 10 #define OP_MODE 11 #define OP_LEVEL 12 #define OP_BOT 13 #define OP_KILL 14 #define OP_PAUSE 15 #define OP_CONT 16 #define OP_VERSION 17 #define OP_BADVERS 18 #define OP_MSG 19 #define OP_YOUARE 20 #define OP_LINESTO 21 #define OP_WON 22 #define OP_ZERO 23 static int shape[7][4][8] = { /* The I ++++++++ */ { { 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 }, { 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 } }, /* The O ++++ ++++ */ { { 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2 }, { 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2 }, { 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2 }, { 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2 } }, /* The T ++++++ ++ */ { { 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3 }, { 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 } }, /* The L ++++++ ++ */ { { 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 3 }, { 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 } }, /* The J ++++++ ++ */ { { 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4 } }, /* The S ++++ ++++ */ { { 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3 }, { 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3 }, { 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 4, 3 } }, /* The Z ++++ ++++ */ { { 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 }, { 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2 }, { 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4 } } }; int bw = 0; int funmode = 0; int flashy = 0; int standalone = 0; int sqrsize = 16; int hscroll = 10; int paused = 0; int visiblemsgs = 0, msgsclosed = 0; int verbose = 0; int norestart = 0; int nospeedup = 0; /* X stuff */ char *disp = NULL; Display *display; int depth; int scn; Window win; GC gc; XFontStruct *font_info; int height, width, color[10][3], white, black, x_initted = 0; int keysspecified = 0; KeySym quit_key = XK_q, start_key = XK_s, pause_key = XK_p, bot_key = XK_b; KeySym text_key = XK_t, togglenext_key = XK_Return, mode_key = XK_n; KeySym verbose_key = XK_v, clear_key = XK_c, warp_key = XK_Tab; KeySym down_key = XK_comma, zero_key = XK_z; KeySym level_keys[10] = { XK_0, XK_1, XK_2, XK_3, XK_4, XK_5, XK_6, XK_7, XK_8, XK_9 }; KeySym keys[6] = { XK_J, XK_j, XK_k, XK_l, XK_L, XK_space }; int warp_next = 1; #define MAXNICKLEN 14 /* this needs to be a fixed-width font */ #define FONT "-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--13-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" #define FONTWIDTH 7 #define FONTHEIGHT 13 /* position of all buttons & areas */ #define XBTNS 20 #define XLVLS 19 #define XSPEEDTXT 21 #define XNEXT 15 #define XNEXTTXT 16 #define XNICK (XMARGIN + (WPITIN-WNICK) / 2) /* relative to u->x0 */ #define XTXT 30 #define XZERO 30 #define XSCROLL (XPIT + LEFTSIDE) #define XMSGENTRY (XPIT + LEFTSIDE) #define XLINESTXT (XMARGIN + 25) #define XLINES (XMARGIN + 80) #define XGAMES XLINES #define XGAMESTXT (XMARGIN + 25) #define YQUIT 13 #define YPLAY 40 #define YPAUSE 67 #define YBOT 94 #define YSPEEDTXT 140 #define YLVLS 148 #define YMODE 235 #define YNEXTTXT 279 #define YNEXT 285 #define YNICK (16 + YMARGIN + (HSQR * ROWS)) #define YTXT YNICK #define YZERO (YTXT + 35) #define YLINES (YNICK + HTEXTENTRIES + 13) #define YLINESTXT (YLINES + 15) #define YGAMES (YLINES + HTEXTENTRIES + 10) #define YGAMESTXT (YGAMES + 15) #define YSCROLL (HEIGHT0 + 10) #define YMSGENTRY (YSCROLL + HSCROLL * FONTHEIGHT + 17) #define YVERBOSE (YSCROLL + 20) #define YCLEAR (YSCROLL + 55) #define XMARGIN 8 #define YMARGIN 12 /* width & height of buttons & areas */ #define LEFTSIDE (46 + 4 * WSQR) /* size of the whole left-side buttons area */ #define WIDTH0 ((WSQR * COLS) + XMARGIN + 22) #define HEIGHT0 (117 + YMARGIN + (HSQR * ROWS)) #define WSQR sqrsize #define HSQR sqrsize #define WBTNS 70 #define HBTNS 20 #define WTXT 50 #define WZERO 50 #define WNICKCHARS 16 #define WNICK (WNICKCHARS * FONTWIDTH + 8) #define WL 20 #define HL 20 #define WNEXT (4 * WSQR + 16) #define HNEXT (2 * HSQR + 12) #define WSCROLL 50 /* for 2 users */ #define HSCROLL hscroll #define WSCROLLRESIZE (X_EACH / FONTWIDTH) #define HSCROLLRESIZE (HSCROLL * FONTHEIGHT + HTEXTENTRIES + 45) #define WMSGENTRY (WSCROLL * FONTWIDTH + 8) #define WLINES 60 #define HLINES HTEXTENTRIES #define WGAMES WLINES #define HGAMES HTEXTENTRIES #define HTEXTENTRIES 23 /* don't change these: */ #define COLS 4 #define ROWS 24 #define PITSIZE (COLS*ROWS) #define X_EACH (WIDTH0 + 10) #define XPIT (XMARGIN + 2) #define YPIT (YMARGIN + 2) #define WPITIN (COLS * WSQR) #define HPITIN (ROWS * HSQR) #define WPITOUT (COLS * WSQR + 4) #define HPITOUT (ROWS * HSQR + 4) #define ALIGN_LEFT 0 #define ALIGN_CENTER 1 #define ALIGN_RIGHT 2 typedef void (*v_v)(void); typedef void (*v_vtp)(struct timeval *, void *); typedef void (*v_si)(char *, int); struct button { int x, y, w, h; int down, flash; char *txt; int align; v_v callback; struct button *next; }; struct button *button0 = NULL; struct toggle { int x, y, w, h; char *txt; v_v callback; int down; int align; struct toggle *next; struct toggle *master; }; struct toggle *tog0 = NULL; struct textentry { int x, y, w, h; int cols; /* in chars */ char *txt; int maxlen; int offset; int align; int cursor; int next_clears; v_si callback; struct textentry *next; }; struct textentry *text0 = NULL; struct textscroll { int x, y, w, h; int rows, cols; /* in chars */ char **lines, **plines; int nextpline, nextline; int color; struct textentry *redirect; struct textscroll *next; }; struct textscroll *scroll0 = NULL; struct timer { struct timeval tv; v_vtp action; void *data; struct timer *next; }; struct timer *timer0 = NULL; struct lostfalldata { struct user *u; int counter; }; struct flashlinedata { struct user *u; int counter; char lines[20]; int nlines, color; int oldpit[ROWS][COLS]; }; /* server stuff */ #define BUFLEN 4096 int sfd; int port = 0; unsigned char realbuf[512], readbuf[BUFLEN], writbuf[BUFLEN]; unsigned char *buf = realbuf + 4; int nread = 0, nwrite = 0; char *serverhost = NULL; struct textentry *nickentry, *msgentry; struct button *modebutton, *pausebutton, *quitbutton, *playbutton, *botbutton; struct button *textbutton = NULL, *verbosebutton, *clearbutton, *zerobutton; struct toggle *leveltogs[10]; struct textscroll *msgscroll; int scrollcols; /* for 1 user */ struct user { unsigned char number; int x0; char nick[MAXNICKLEN+2]; struct user *next; int pit[ROWS][COLS]; char haslost, flashing; char replaybuf[BUFLEN]; int replaylen; int lines, games; }; struct user me; int delays[10] = { 1500000, 1200000, 900000, 700000, 500000, 350000, 200000, 120000, 80000 }; /* #define textwidth(text) XTextWidth(font_info, text, strlen(text)) */ #define textwidth(text) (FONTWIDTH * strlen(text)) #define WINNAME "xtris v" VERSION int oldpit[ROWS][COLS], oldpittmp[ROWS][COLS]; #define EMPTY 7 #define GRAY 8 #define TEXT 9 int piece, rotation, x, y, next, shownext = 1, level = 5; int playing = 0, got_play = 0, interrupt = 0, addlines = 0, addsquares = 0; /* like memcpy, but guaranteed to handle overlap when s <= t */ void copydown(char *s, char *t, int n) { for (; n; n--) *(s++) = *(t++); } void fatal(char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s.\n", s); exit(1); } void *mmalloc(int n) { void *r; r = malloc(n); if (r == NULL) fatal("Out of memory"); return r; } void u_sleep(int i) { struct timeval tm; tm.tv_sec = i / 1000000; tm.tv_usec = i % 1000000; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tm); } void flushbuf() { if (nwrite) { write(sfd, writbuf, nwrite); nwrite = 0; } } void sendbuf(int len) { if (!standalone) { realbuf[0] = realbuf[1] = realbuf[2] = 0; realbuf[3] = (unsigned char)len; buf[0] = 0; if (nwrite + 4 + len >= BUFLEN) fatal("Internal error: send buffer overflow"); memcpy(writbuf + nwrite, realbuf, 4 + len); nwrite += 4 + len; } } void getkeyresource(char *r, KeySym *key) { char *s; KeySym k; s = XGetDefault(display, "xtris", r); if (s != NULL) { k = XStringToKeysym(s); if (k != NoSymbol) *key = k; else fprintf(stderr, "warning: keysym not found '%s'\n", s); } } int resourcetrue(char *r) { char *s; s = XGetDefault(display, "xtris", r); if (s && (strcmp(s, "on") == 0 || strcmp(s, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(s, "true") == 0)) return 1; return 0; } void getnumresource(char *r, int *i) { char *s; s = XGetDefault(display, "xtris", r); if (s) *i = atoi(s); } void getresources() { char *s; if (!keysspecified) { getkeyresource("quitKey", &quit_key); getkeyresource("startKey", &start_key); getkeyresource("pauseKey", &pause_key); getkeyresource("botKey", &bot_key); getkeyresource("zeroKey", &zero_key); getkeyresource("textKey", &text_key); getkeyresource("togglenextKey", &togglenext_key); getkeyresource("clearKey", &clear_key); getkeyresource("verboseKey", &verbose_key); getkeyresource("warpKey", &warp_key); getkeyresource("modeKey", &mode_key); getkeyresource("leftBorderKey", &keys[0]); getkeyresource("leftKey", &keys[1]); getkeyresource("rotateKey", &keys[2]); getkeyresource("rightKey", &keys[3]); getkeyresource("rightBorderKey", &keys[4]); getkeyresource("downKey", &down_key); getkeyresource("dropKey", &keys[5]); } if (resourcetrue("big")) sqrsize = 20; if (resourcetrue("flashy")) flashy = 1; if (!flashy && resourcetrue("bw")) bw = 1; if (resourcetrue("verbose")) verbose = 1; getnumresource("scrollLines", &hscroll); if (hscroll < 3 || hscroll > 30) hscroll = 10; s = XGetDefault(display, "xtris", "name"); if (s) strncpy(me.nick, s, MAXNICKLEN); } int GetColor(char *s) { Colormap cmap; XColor c, xc; cmap = DefaultColormap(display, scn); if (!XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, s, &c, &xc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); return(c.pixel); } void getcolors(char *resource, char *light, char *normal, char *dark, int *color) { Colormap cmap; XColor c, xc, nc; char *s; cmap = DefaultColormap(display, scn); s = XGetDefault(display, "xtris", resource); if (s != NULL) { if (!XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, s, &c, &xc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[1] = c.pixel; nc = c; nc.red = nc.red >= 48000 ? 65535 : nc.red + nc.red / 3; nc.blue = nc.blue >= 48000 ? 65535 : nc.blue + nc.blue / 3; nc.green = nc.green >= 48000 ? 65535 : nc.green + nc.green / 3; if (!XAllocColor(display, cmap, &nc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[0] = nc.pixel; nc = c; nc.red = nc.red - nc.red / 3; nc.blue = nc.blue - nc.blue / 3; nc.green = nc.green - nc.green / 3; if (!XAllocColor(display, cmap, &nc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[2] = nc.pixel; } else { if (!XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, light, &c, &xc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[0] = c.pixel; if (!XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, normal, &c, &xc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[1] = c.pixel; if (!XAllocNamedColor(display, cmap, dark, &c, &xc)) fatal("Can't allocate colors"); color[2] = c.pixel; } } void init_X() { XSizeHints szh; XTextProperty windowName; XGCValues values; XEvent xev; char *win_name; int n; display = XOpenDisplay(disp); if (display == NULL) fatal("Can't open X display"); getresources(); if ((font_info = XLoadQueryFont(display, FONT)) == NULL) fatal("Can't load font " FONT); scn = DefaultScreen(display); depth = DefaultDepth(display, scn); width = WIDTH0 + LEFTSIDE; height = HEIGHT0; white = WhitePixel(display, scn); black = BlackPixel(display, scn); if (depth > 2) { getcolors("background", "#e1e1e1", "#b2b2b2", "#656565", color[EMPTY]); color[TEXT][0] = white; color[TEXT][1] = color[EMPTY][1]; color[TEXT][2] = GetColor("#404040"); } else { color[EMPTY][0] = black; color[EMPTY][1] = white; color[EMPTY][2] = black; color[TEXT][0] = black; color[TEXT][1] = white; color[TEXT][2] = black; } color[GRAY][0] = color[EMPTY][0]; color[GRAY][1] = color[EMPTY][1]; color[GRAY][2] = color[EMPTY][2]; win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, RootWindow(display, scn), 0, 0, width, height, 4, WhitePixel(display, scn), color[7][1]); szh.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PSize | PResizeInc; szh.min_width = width; szh.min_height = height; szh.max_width = width; szh.max_height = height; szh.width_inc = 1; szh.height_inc = 1; win_name = mmalloc(strlen(WINNAME) + 2); strcpy(win_name, WINNAME); if (XStringListToTextProperty(&win_name, 1, &windowName) == (Status)0) fatal("X barfed while setting window name"); XSetWMProperties(display, win, &windowName, NULL, NULL, 0, &szh, NULL, NULL); XSelectInput(display, win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask | Button1MotionMask | VisibilityChangeMask); gc = XCreateGC(display, win, (unsigned long)0, &values); XSetFont(display, gc, font_info->fid); XSetForeground(display, gc, BlackPixel(display, scn)); XMapWindow(display, win); /* wait until window gets actually mapped */ do { XNextEvent(display, &xev); } while (xev.type != MapNotify); if (depth > 4 && !bw) { if (flashy) { color[0][0] = GetColor("#fa0000"); color[0][1] = GetColor("#bc0000"); /* dark red */ color[0][2] = GetColor("#7d0000"); color[1][0] = GetColor("#00fa00"); color[1][1] = GetColor("#00bc00"); /* green */ color[1][2] = GetColor("#007d00"); color[2][0] = GetColor("#0000fa"); color[2][1] = GetColor("#0000bc"); /* dark blue */ color[2][2] = GetColor("#00007c"); color[3][0] = GetColor("#fafa00"); color[3][1] = GetColor("#bcbc00"); /* yellow */ color[3][2] = GetColor("#7d7d00"); color[4][0] = GetColor("#00fafa"); color[4][1] = GetColor("#00bcbc"); /* light blue-green */ color[4][2] = GetColor("#007d7d"); color[5][0] = GetColor("#fa00fa"); color[5][1] = GetColor("#bc00bc"); /* mauve */ color[5][2] = GetColor("#7d007d"); color[6][0] = GetColor("#bc00fa"); color[6][1] = GetColor("#7d00bc"); /* dark violetish blue */ color[6][2] = GetColor("#1f007d"); } else { /* dark red */ getcolors("brick0", "#fa0000", "#bc0000", "#7d0000", color[0]); /* green */ getcolors("brick1", "#00f000", "#00a800", "#007000", color[1]); /* blue */ getcolors("brick2", "#4080f0", "#0060d8", "#00407c", color[2]); /* brownish */ getcolors("brick3", "#d0b000", "#968000", "#706000", color[3]); /* dark blue-green */ getcolors("brick4", "#00b0b0", "#008080", "#006060", color[4]); /* mauve */ getcolors("brick5", "#fa00fa", "#bc00bc", "#7d007d", color[5]); /* dark violetish blue */ getcolors("brick6", "#bc00fa", "#7d00bc", "#1f007d", color[6]); } } else if (depth > 4 && bw) { color[0][0] = GetColor("#e0e0e0"); color[0][1] = GetColor("#606060"); color[0][2] = black; for (n=1; n<7; n++) { color[n][0] = color[0][0]; color[n][1] = color[0][1]; color[n][2] = black; } } else { for (n=0; n<7; n++) { color[n][0] = white; color[n][1] = black; color[n][2] = black; } } } void SetColor(int color) { XGCValues values; values.foreground = color; XChangeGC(display, gc, GCForeground, &values); } void DrawSqr(struct user *u, int type, int x, int y) { if (!u) { /* fixed position for "next"-type squares */ x = (x * WSQR) + XNEXT + 6; y = (y * HSQR) + YNEXT + 5; } else { x = (x * WSQR) + XPIT + u->x0; y = (y * HSQR) + YPIT; } type &= 0xff; if (type == EMPTY) { SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, x, y, WSQR, HSQR); } else { SetColor(color[type][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, x+2, y+2, WSQR-4, HSQR-4); SetColor(color[type][0]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x+WSQR-1, y); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y, x+1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+1, x+WSQR-1, y+1); SetColor(color[type][2]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+WSQR-2, y+2, x+WSQR-2, y+HSQR-2); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+WSQR-1, y+1, x+WSQR-1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+HSQR-1, x+WSQR-1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y+HSQR-2, x+WSQR-2, y+HSQR-2); } } void DrawLine(struct user *u, int type, int y) { int x; x = u->x0 + XPIT; y = (y * HSQR) + YPIT; SetColor(color[type][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, x+2, y+2, WPITIN-4, HSQR-4); SetColor(color[type][0]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x+WPITIN-1, y); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y, x+1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+1, x+WPITIN-1, y+1); SetColor(color[type][2]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+WPITIN-2, y+2, x+WPITIN-2, y+HSQR-2); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+WPITIN-1, y+1, x+WPITIN-1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+HSQR-1, x+WPITIN-1, y+HSQR-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y+HSQR-2, x+WPITIN-2, y+HSQR-2); } void DrawButton(int updown, int bar, int x, int y, int w, int h, char *text, int align, int reverse) { int u, l, xx; if (x > width || y > height) return; if (updown) { u = 2; l = 0; } else { u = 0; l = 2; } if (bar) { SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, x+2, y+2, w-4, h-4); } SetColor(color[EMPTY][u]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x, y+h-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y, x+w-1, y); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y, x+1, y+h-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+1, x+w-1, y+1); SetColor(color[EMPTY][l]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+w-2, y+2, x+w-2, y+h-2); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+w-1, y+1, x+w-1, y+h-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x, y+h-1, x+w-1, y+h-1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, x+1, y+h-2, x+w-2, y+h-2); if (text) { if (reverse) SetColor(color[TEXT][u]); else SetColor(color[TEXT][l]); switch (align) { case ALIGN_LEFT: xx = x + 4; break; case ALIGN_CENTER: xx = x + ((w - textwidth(text)) >> 1); break; default: xx = x + w - textwidth(text) - 6; break; } XDrawString(display, win, gc, xx, y+FONTHEIGHT+2 , text, strlen(text)); } } void WriteXY(int x, int y, char *txt) { XDrawString(display, win, gc, x, y, txt, strlen(txt)); } void UpdateWinSize() { XSizeHints szh; szh.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PSize | PResizeInc; szh.min_width = width; szh.min_height = height; szh.max_width = width; szh.max_height = height; szh.width_inc = 1; szh.height_inc = 1; XSetWMProperties(display, win, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &szh, NULL, NULL); XResizeWindow(display, win, width, height); } struct button *DeclareButton(int x, int y, int w, int h, int down, int flash, char *txt, int align, v_v callback) { struct button *b; b = mmalloc(sizeof (struct button)); b->x = x; b->y = y; b->w = w; b->h = h; b->down = down; b->flash = flash; b->txt = txt; b->align = align; b->callback = callback; b->next = button0; button0 = b; return b; } void RemoveButton(struct button *b) { struct button *bb; if (b == button0) { button0 = button0->next; } else { for (bb=button0; bb->next; bb=bb->next) { if (bb->next == b) { bb->next = bb->next->next; break; } } } SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h); XFlush(display); } struct toggle *DeclareToggle(int x, int y, int w, int h, char *txt, int align, v_v callback, struct toggle *master) { struct toggle *t; t = mmalloc(sizeof (struct toggle)); t->x = x; t->y = y; t->w = w; t->h = h; t->txt = txt; t->align = align; t->callback = callback; t->next = tog0; t->down = (master == NULL); t->master = master == NULL ? t : master; tog0 = t; return t; } struct textentry *DeclareTextEntry(int x, int y, int cols, int maxlen, char *txt, int cursor, v_si callback) { struct textentry *t; char *s; s = mmalloc(5 + maxlen); t = mmalloc(sizeof(struct textentry)); t->x = x; t->y = y; t->w = cols * FONTWIDTH + 8; t->cols = cols; t->h = HTEXTENTRIES; t->txt = s; t->next_clears = 0; t->offset = 0; t->cursor = cursor; strncpy(s, txt, maxlen); t->maxlen = maxlen; t->callback = callback; t->next = text0; text0 = t; return t; } struct textscroll *DeclareTextScroll(int x, int y, int cols, int rows, int color, struct textentry *redirect) { struct textscroll *t; int i; t = mmalloc(sizeof(struct textscroll)); t->x = x; t->y = y; t->w = cols * FONTWIDTH + 8; t->h = rows * FONTHEIGHT + 8; t->rows = rows; t->cols = cols; t->lines = mmalloc(rows * sizeof(char *)); t->plines = mmalloc(rows * sizeof(char *)); for (i=0; ilines[i] = t->plines[i] = NULL; t->nextpline = t->nextline = 0; t->color = color; t->next = scroll0; t->redirect = redirect; scroll0 = t; return t; } void DrawScrollTextLine(struct textscroll *t, int line) { SetColor(t->color); if (t->plines[line]) WriteXY(t->x + 4, t->y + 14 + FONTHEIGHT * line, t->plines[line]); } void DrawScrollText(struct textscroll *t) { int i; DrawButton(1, 1, t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h, NULL, ALIGN_LEFT, 0); for (i=0; irows; i++) DrawScrollTextLine(t, i); } void AddScrollPline(struct textscroll *t, char *s, int update) { char *ss; int i; ss = mmalloc(1 + strlen(s)); strcpy(ss, s); if (t->nextpline >= t->rows) { if (t->plines[0]) free(t->plines[0]); for (i=0; irows-1; i++) t->plines[i] = t->plines[i+1]; t->plines[t->rows - 1] = ss; if (update) DrawScrollText(t); } else { t->plines[t->nextpline] = ss; if (update) DrawScrollTextLine(t, t->nextpline); t->nextpline++; } if (update) XFlush(display); } void AddLineToPlines(struct textscroll *t, char *s, int update) { char *p, *w, *lww, *lws; lww = w = p = mmalloc(2 + t->cols); while (*s) { if (w - p >= t->cols - 1) { if (*s == ' ') lww = w; else if (lww > p + 7) { w = lww; s = lws; } *w = 0; AddScrollPline(t, p, update); w = p; *w++ = ' '; *w++ = ' '; *w++ = ' '; *w++ = ' '; *w++ = ' '; *w++ = ' '; lww = w; } *w++ = *s; if (*s++ == ' ') { lws = s; lww = w; } } if (w > p) { *w = 0; AddScrollPline(t, p, update); } free(p); } void RecalcPlines(struct textscroll *t) { int i; for (i=0; irows; i++) { if (t->plines) { free(t->plines[i]); t->plines[i] = NULL; } } t->nextpline = 0; for (i=0; irows; i++) if (t->lines[i] != NULL) AddLineToPlines(t, t->lines[i], 0); } void ClearScrollArea(struct textscroll *t) { int i; for (i=0; irows; i++) { if (t->plines) { free(t->plines[i]); t->plines[i] = NULL; } if (t->lines) { free(t->lines[i]); t->lines[i] = NULL; } } t->nextpline = 0; t->nextline = 0; DrawButton(1, 1, t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h, NULL, ALIGN_LEFT, 0); } void SetTextScrollWidth(struct textscroll *t, int cols) { t->cols = cols; t->w = cols * FONTWIDTH + 8; RecalcPlines(t); } void SetTextEntryWidth(struct textentry *t, int cols) { int len; len = strlen(t->txt); t->cols = cols; t->w = cols * FONTWIDTH + 8; if (len - t->offset >= t->cols) t->offset = len - t->cols + 3; } void AddScrollLine(struct textscroll *t, char *s) { char *ss; int i; ss = mmalloc(1 + strlen(s)); strcpy(ss, s); if (t->nextline >= t->rows) { if (t->lines[0]) free(t->lines[0]); for (i=0; irows-1; i++) t->lines[i] = t->lines[i+1]; t->lines[t->rows - 1] = ss; } else { t->lines[t->nextline] = ss; t->nextline++; } AddLineToPlines(t, s, 1); } void RedrawButtons() { struct button *b; for (b=button0; b; b=b->next) DrawButton(b->down, 1, b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h, b->txt, b->align, 0); } void RedrawToggles() { struct toggle *t; for (t=tog0; t; t=t->next) DrawButton(t->down, 1, t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h, t->txt, t->align, 0); } void RedrawTextEntryArea(struct textentry *t) { int l; DrawButton(1, 1, t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h, t->txt + t->offset, t->align, t->next_clears ? 0 : 1); if (t->cursor) { l = strlen(t->txt) - t->offset; SetColor(color[TEXT][2]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * l + 6, t->y + 4, t->x + FONTWIDTH * l + 6, t->y + 16); } XFlush(display); } void RedrawTextEntries() { struct textentry *t; for (t=text0; t; t=t->next) RedrawTextEntryArea(t); } void RedrawTextScrolls() { struct textscroll *t; for (t=scroll0; t; t=t->next) DrawScrollText(t); } void ToggleDown(struct toggle *t) { struct toggle *tt; for (tt=tog0; tt; tt=tt->next) { if (tt != t && tt->down && tt->master == t->master) { tt->down = 0; DrawButton(0, 0, tt->x, tt->y, tt->w, tt->h, tt->txt, tt->align, 0); XFlush(display); } } if (!t->down) { t->down = 1; DrawButton(1, 0, t->x, t->y, t->w, t->h, t->txt, t->align, 0); XFlush(display); } } void ChangeButtonAppearance(struct button *b, int down, char *txt, int align) { /* down == -1 => no change; txt == NULL => no change; align == -1 => no change */ if (down >= 0) b->down = down; if (txt != NULL) b->txt = txt; if (align >= 0) b->align = align; DrawButton(b->down, 1, b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h, b->txt, b->align, 0); XFlush(display); } void ChangeTextEntryArea(struct textentry *t, char *txt, int align, int cursor) { /* txt == NULL => no change; align == -1 => no change; cursor == -1 => no change */ if (align >= 0) t->align = align; if (txt != NULL) strncpy(t->txt, txt, t->maxlen); if (cursor >= 0) t->cursor = cursor; RedrawTextEntryArea(t); } void FlashButton(struct button *b) { DrawButton(!b->down, 0, b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h, b->txt, b->align, 0); XFlush(display); u_sleep(100000); DrawButton(b->down, 0, b->x, b->y, b->w, b->h, b->txt, b->align, 0); XFlush(display); } void SimulateButtonPress(struct button *b) { if (b->flash) FlashButton(b); b->callback(); } void SimulateTextEntry(struct textentry *t, char *txt) { strncpy(t->txt, txt, t->maxlen); t->callback(t->txt, 0); t->next_clears = 1; } void updatelines(struct user *u) { static char tmpbuf[12]; sprintf(tmpbuf, "%d", u->lines); DrawButton(1, 1, XLINES + u->x0, YLINES, WLINES, HLINES, tmpbuf, ALIGN_RIGHT, 1); } void updategames(struct user *u) { static char tmpbuf[12]; sprintf(tmpbuf, "%d", u->games); DrawButton(1, 1, XGAMES + u->x0, YGAMES, WGAMES, HGAMES, tmpbuf, ALIGN_RIGHT, 1); } void DrawFrame() { struct user *u; /* the Next square */ DrawButton(1, 0, XNEXT, YNEXT, WNEXT, HNEXT, NULL, ALIGN_LEFT, 0); SetColor(color[TEXT][0]); WriteXY(XNEXTTXT, YNEXTTXT, "Next:"); WriteXY(XSPEEDTXT, YSPEEDTXT, "Speed:"); RedrawButtons(); RedrawToggles(); RedrawTextEntries(); RedrawTextScrolls(); for (u=&me; u; u=u->next) { DrawButton(1, 0, XMARGIN + u->x0, YMARGIN, WPITOUT, HPITOUT, NULL, ALIGN_LEFT, 0); if (u != &me) /* me.nick is actually a textarea */ DrawButton(1, 0, XNICK + u->x0, YNICK, WNICK, HTEXTENTRIES, u->nick, ALIGN_CENTER, 0); SetColor(color[TEXT][0]); WriteXY(XLINESTXT + u->x0, YLINESTXT, "Lines:"); WriteXY(XGAMESTXT + u->x0, YGAMESTXT, "Games:"); updatelines(u); updategames(u); } } /* a random number generator loosely based on RC5; assumes ints are at least 32 bit */ unsigned int my_rand() { static unsigned int s = 0, t = 0, k = 12345678; int i; if (s == 0 && t == 0) { s = (unsigned int)getpid(); t = (unsigned int)time(NULL); } for (i=0; i<12; i++) { s = (((s^t) << (t&31)) | ((s^t) >> (31 - (t&31)))) + k; k += s + t; t = (((t^s) << (s&31)) | ((t^s) >> (31 - (s&31)))) + k; k += s + t; } return s; } int fits(int piece, int rotation, int x, int y) { int xx, yy, i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { xx = x + shape[piece][rotation][2*i]; yy = y - shape[piece][rotation][2*i+1]; if (xx < 0 || xx > COLS-1 || yy > ROWS-1) return 0; if (yy >= 0 && me.pit[yy][xx] != EMPTY) return 0; } return 1; } int sticksout(int piece, int rotation, int x, int y) { int i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (y - shape[piece][rotation][2*i+1] < 0) return 1; return 0; } void put(int piece, int rotation, int x, int y, int color) { int xx, yy, i; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { xx = x + shape[piece][rotation][2*i]; yy = y - shape[piece][rotation][2*i+1]; if (yy >= 0) me.pit[yy][xx] = color; } } void drawnext() { int i, xx, yy; if (shownext) for (i=0; i<4; i++) { xx = shape[next][0][2*i]; yy = 3 - shape[next][0][2*i+1]; DrawSqr(NULL, next, xx-1, yy); } } void clearnext() { SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, XNEXT+3, YNEXT+3, WNEXT-6, HNEXT-6); } #define remove(p, r, x, y) put(p, r, x, y, EMPTY) void refresh() { int x, y; int i = 2; buf[1] = OP_DRAW; for (x=0; x 200) { sendbuf(i); i = 2; buf[1] = OP_DRAW; } } oldpit[y][x] = me.pit[y][x]; } if (i > 2) sendbuf(i); } void refreshnet() { int x, y; int i = 2; buf[1] = OP_DRAW; for (x=0; x 200) { sendbuf(i); i = 2; buf[1] = OP_DRAW; } } oldpit[y][x] = me.pit[y][x]; } if (i > 2) sendbuf(i); } void refreshme() { int x, y; for (x=0; xpit[y][x] != oldpittmp[y][x]) { DrawSqr(u, u->pit[y][x], x, y); n++; } if (n) XFlush(display); } void redrawall() { int x, y; struct user *u; DrawFrame(); for (u=&me; u; u=u->next) for (x=0; xpit[y][x], x, y); if (playing) drawnext(); XFlush(display); } void copyline(struct user *u, int i, int j) { int n; for (n=0; npit[j][n] = u->pit[i][n]; } void emptyline(struct user *u, int i) { int n; for (n=0; npit[i][n] = EMPTY; } void falline(struct user *u, int i) { int x; for (x = i-1; x>=0; x--) copyline(u, x, x+1); emptyline(u, 0); } void growline(struct user *u) { int n; for (n=0; n 1 || (funmode && fallen > 0)) { buf[1] = OP_LINES; buf[2] = (unsigned char)fallen; sendbuf(3); } } int newlines() { int i = addlines, j, k, r = 1; if (playing) { while (i > 0) { for (j=0; j 0) { refreshme(); for (j=ROWS-addlines; j 0) { for (i=0; i 0) { refresh(); XFlush(display); } addsquares = 0; } return r; } #define sysmsg(s) msgfrom(NULL, s) void msgfrom(struct user *u, char *s) { static char msgbuf[300]; if (u) sprintf(msgbuf, "(%d) (%s) %s", u->number, u->nick, s); else sprintf(msgbuf, "** %s", s); if (u || verbose) { AddScrollLine(msgscroll, msgbuf); if (!visiblemsgs && !msgsclosed && me.next != NULL) { height += HSCROLLRESIZE; visiblemsgs = 1; UpdateWinSize(); } } } void c_clear() { ClearScrollArea(msgscroll); } void c_msgentry(char *s, int shift) { buf[1] = OP_MSG; strcpy(&buf[2], s); sendbuf(strlen(s) + 2); msgfrom(&me, s); ChangeTextEntryArea(msgentry, "", ALIGN_LEFT, 1); if (shift) { XWarpPointer(display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3); warp_next = 1; } } void c_txt() { if (visiblemsgs) { height -= HSCROLLRESIZE; visiblemsgs = 0; msgsclosed = 1; } else { height += HSCROLLRESIZE; visiblemsgs = 1; } UpdateWinSize(); } void c_zero() { if (standalone) { me.games = 0; updategames(&me); XFlush(display); } else { buf[1] = OP_ZERO; sendbuf(2); } } void c_quit() { exit(0); } void c_play() { if (standalone) { got_play = interrupt = 1; } else { buf[1] = OP_PLAY; sendbuf(2); } } void c_pause() { if (standalone) { paused = !paused; if (paused) ChangeButtonAppearance(pausebutton, 1, NULL, -1); else ChangeButtonAppearance(pausebutton, 0, NULL, -1); } else { buf[1] = paused ? OP_CONT : OP_PAUSE; sendbuf(2); } } void c_verbose() { verbose = !verbose; if (verbose) ChangeButtonAppearance(verbosebutton, 1, NULL, -1); else ChangeButtonAppearance(verbosebutton, 0, NULL, -1); } void c_bot() { switch (fork()) { case 0: close(sfd); close(ConnectionNumber(display)); /* ugh! */ #ifdef XTRISPATH execl(XTRISPATH "/xtbot", "xtbot", "-quiet", serverhost, NULL); #else execlp("xtbot", "xtbot", "-quiet", serverhost, NULL); #endif fprintf(stderr, "Can't start bot '%s'.\n", #ifdef XTRISPATH XTRISPATH "/xtbot"); #else "xtbot"); #endif _exit(1); case -1: fatal("fork() failed"); default: return; } } void c_setnick(char *s, int shift) { static char msgbuf[300]; strncpy(me.nick, s, MAXNICKLEN); buf[1] = OP_NICK; memcpy(&buf[2], me.nick, strlen(me.nick)); sendbuf(2 + strlen(me.nick)); ChangeTextEntryArea(nickentry, s, ALIGN_CENTER, 0); sprintf(msgbuf, "you set your nick to %s", s); sysmsg(msgbuf); if (shift) { XWarpPointer(display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3); warp_next = 1; } } void setlevel(int n) { if (n < 1) n = 1; if (n > 9) n = 9; level = n; ToggleDown(leveltogs[n]); } void set_mode(int n) { funmode = (n != 0); if (funmode) ChangeButtonAppearance(modebutton, -1, "fuN", -1); else ChangeButtonAppearance(modebutton, -1, "Normal", -1); } void sendlevel(int n) { if (standalone) setlevel(n); else { buf[1] = OP_LEVEL; buf[2] = n; sendbuf(3); } } void sendmode(int n) { if (standalone) set_mode(n); else { buf[1] = OP_MODE; buf[2] = n; sendbuf(3); } } void c_speed1() { sendlevel(1); } void c_speed2() { sendlevel(2); } void c_speed3() { sendlevel(3); } void c_speed4() { sendlevel(4); } void c_speed5() { sendlevel(5); } void c_speed6() { sendlevel(6); } void c_speed7() { sendlevel(7); } void c_speed8() { sendlevel(8); } void c_speed9() { sendlevel(9); } void c_mode() { sendmode(funmode ? 0 : 1); if (!standalone) { if (funmode) ChangeButtonAppearance(modebutton, -1, "fuN", -1); else ChangeButtonAppearance(modebutton, -1, "Normal", -1); } } void textentrykey(struct textentry *t, int keysym, unsigned int mask) { int len, keep = 1; len = strlen(t->txt); if (!(mask & ControlMask) && (mask & Mod1Mask) && (keysym <= 0x80)) { mask &= ~Mod1Mask; keysym += 128; } if (mask & ControlMask) { if (keysym == 'u' || keysym == 'U') { t->txt[0] = 0; t->offset = 0; t->next_clears = 0; RedrawTextEntryArea(t); } } else if (keysym == XK_Delete || keysym == XK_BackSpace) { if (t->next_clears) { t->txt[0] = 0; t->offset = 0; len = 0; keep = 0; } if (len > 0) { t->txt[len - 1] = 0; if (len < t->offset + 2 && t->offset > 0) { t->offset -= t->cols - 3; if (t->offset < 0) t->offset = 0; keep = 0; } len--; } t->next_clears = 0; t->cursor = 1; if (keep) { SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset) + 4, t->y + 3, FONTWIDTH + 3, HTEXTENTRIES - 6); SetColor(color[TEXT][2]); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset) + 6, t->y + 4, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset) + 6, t->y + 16); XFlush(display); } else RedrawTextEntryArea(t); } else if (keysym == XK_Return) { t->next_clears = 1; t->callback(t->txt, (mask & ShiftMask ? 1 : 0)); return; } else if ((keysym >= ' ' && keysym <= 0x7f) || (keysym >= 0xa1 && keysym <= 0xff)) { t->align = ALIGN_LEFT; if (t->next_clears) { t->txt[0] = 0; t->offset = 0; len = 0; keep = 0; } t->next_clears = 0; t->cursor = 1; if (len < t->maxlen) { t->txt[len] = keysym; t->txt[len + 1] = 0; if (len - t->offset >= t->cols - 1) { t->offset += t->cols - 3; keep = 0; } if (keep) { SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset) + 4, t->y + 3, FONTWIDTH + 3, HTEXTENTRIES - 6); SetColor(color[TEXT][2]); XDrawString(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset) + 4, t->y + FONTHEIGHT + 2, &t->txt[len], 1); XDrawLine(display, win, gc, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset + 1) + 6, t->y + 4, t->x + FONTWIDTH * (len - t->offset + 1) + 6, t->y + 16); XFlush(display); } else RedrawTextEntryArea(t); } } } void doevent(XEvent *xev) { char kbuf[16]; KeySym keysym; XComposeStatus compose; Window root, child; int px, py, wx, wy, rx, ry; int i; unsigned int mask; struct button *b; struct toggle *t; struct textentry *te; struct textscroll *ts; struct user *u; switch(xev->type) { case ConfigureNotify: redrawall(); break; case Expose: if (xev->xexpose.count == 0) redrawall(); break; case ButtonPress: XQueryPointer(display, win, &root, &child, &px, &py, &wx, &wy, &mask); XTranslateCoordinates(display, win, root, 0, 0, &rx, &ry, &child); px -= rx; py -= ry; for (b=button0; b; b=b->next) { if (px >= b->x && px <= b->x + b->w && py >= b->y && py <= b->y + b->h) { SimulateButtonPress(b); break; } } for (t=tog0; t; t=t->next) { if (px >= t->x && px <= t->x + t->w && py >= t->y && py <= t->y + t->h) { if (!t->down) { t->callback(); ToggleDown(t); } break; } } for (u=me.next; u; u=u->next) { if (px >= u->x0 + XNICK && px <= u->x0 + XNICK + WNICK && py >= YNICK && py <= YNICK + HTEXTENTRIES) { buf[1] = OP_KILL; buf[2] = u->number; sendbuf(3); break; } } if (px >= XNEXT && px <= XNEXT + WNEXT && py >= YNEXT && py <= YNEXT + HNEXT && playing) { if (shownext) { clearnext(); shownext = 0; } else { shownext = 1; drawnext(); } } break; case KeyPress: XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)xev, kbuf, 16, &keysym, &compose); XQueryPointer(display, win, &root, &child, &px, &py, &wx, &wy, &mask); XTranslateCoordinates(display, win, root, 0, 0, &rx, &ry, &child); px -= rx; py -= ry; if (!x_initted) return; /* this one goes before the text entry areas! */ if (keysym == warp_key) { if (warp_next == 1 && !visiblemsgs) warp_next = 2; switch (warp_next) { case 0: XWarpPointer(display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3); break; case 1: XWarpPointer(display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, XSCROLL + scrollcols * FONTWIDTH, YMSGENTRY + HTEXTENTRIES - 3); break; case 2: XWarpPointer(display, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, XNICK + me.x0 + WNICKCHARS * FONTWIDTH, YNICK + HTEXTENTRIES - 3); break; } warp_next = (warp_next + 1) % 3; break; } for (te=text0; te; te=te->next) { if (px >= te->x && px <= te->x + te->w && py >= te->y && py <= te->y + te->h) { textentrykey(te, (int)keysym, mask); return; } } for (ts=scroll0; ts; ts=ts->next) { if (ts->redirect && px >= ts->x && px <= ts->x + ts->w && py >= ts->y && py <= ts->y + ts->h) { textentrykey(ts->redirect, (int)keysym, mask); return; } } if (keysym == quit_key) { SimulateButtonPress(quitbutton); } if (keysym == start_key) { SimulateButtonPress(playbutton); break; } if (keysym == pause_key) { SimulateButtonPress(pausebutton); break; } if (keysym == bot_key && botbutton != NULL) { SimulateButtonPress(botbutton); break; } if (keysym == zero_key) { SimulateButtonPress(zerobutton); break; } if (keysym == text_key && textbutton != NULL) { SimulateButtonPress(textbutton); break; } if (keysym == mode_key) { SimulateButtonPress(modebutton); break; } if (visiblemsgs && keysym == verbose_key) { SimulateButtonPress(verbosebutton); break; } if (visiblemsgs && keysym == clear_key) { SimulateButtonPress(clearbutton); break; } for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if (keysym == level_keys[i]) { sendlevel(i); return; } } if (!playing || paused) break; if (keysym == keys[5] || (keysym == XK_Down && (mask&ShiftMask) != 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); while(fits(piece, rotation, x, ++y)); y--; put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else if (keysym == keys[1] || (keysym == XK_Left && (mask&ShiftMask) == 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); if (fits(piece, rotation, --x, y)) { put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else put(piece, rotation, ++x, y, piece); } else if (keysym == keys[3] || (keysym == XK_Right && (mask&ShiftMask) == 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); if (fits(piece, rotation, ++x, y)) { put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else put(piece, rotation, --x, y, piece); } else if (keysym == keys[2] || ((keys[2]&0xdf) >= 'A' && (keys[2]&0xdf) <= 'Z' && keysym == (keys[2]^0x20)) || (keysym == XK_Up)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); rotation = (rotation + 1) & 3; if (fits(piece, rotation, x, y)) { put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else { rotation = (rotation + 3) & 3; put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); } } else if (keysym == keys[0] || (keysym == XK_Left && (mask&ShiftMask) != 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); while (fits(piece, rotation, --x, y)); x++; put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else if (keysym == keys[4] || (keysym == XK_Right && (mask&ShiftMask) != 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); while (fits(piece, rotation, ++x, y)); x--; put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else if (keysym == down_key || (keysym == XK_Down && (mask&ShiftMask) == 0)) { remove(piece, rotation, x, y); if (fits(piece, rotation, x, ++y)) { put(piece, rotation, x, y, piece); refresh(); XFlush(display); } else put(piece, rotation, x, --y, piece); } else if (keysym == togglenext_key) { if (shownext) { clearnext(); shownext = 0; } else { shownext = 1; drawnext(); } } break; } } struct user *finduser(unsigned char c) { struct user *u = &me; for (; u; u=u->next) if (u->number == c) return u; fatal("Protocol error: reference to non-existing user"); return NULL; /* so that gcc -Wall doesn't complain */ } #define XFD (ConnectionNumber(display)) void doserverstuff(); #define tvgeq(a, b) ((a).tv_sec > (b).tv_sec || \ ((a).tv_sec == (b).tv_sec && (a).tv_usec >= (b).tv_usec)) #define tvnormal(a) do { \ while ((a).tv_usec >= 1000000) { \ (a).tv_usec -= 1000000; \ (a).tv_sec++; \ } \ } while(0) void tvdiff(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b, struct timeval *r) { if (a->tv_usec >= b->tv_usec) { r->tv_usec = a->tv_usec - b->tv_usec; r->tv_sec = a->tv_sec - b->tv_sec; } else { r->tv_usec = a->tv_usec + 1000000 - b->tv_usec; r->tv_sec = a->tv_sec - b->tv_sec - 1; } } void dofirsttimer() { struct timer *tm; tm = timer0; timer0 = timer0->next; tm->action(&tm->tv, tm->data); free(tm); } void addtimer(struct timeval *tv, v_vtp action, void *data) { struct timer *tm, *ltm = NULL; tm = mmalloc(sizeof(struct timer)); tm->action = action; tm->data = data; tm->tv = *tv; if (!timer0 || tvgeq(timer0->tv, *tv)) { tm->next = timer0; timer0 = tm; } else { ltm = timer0; while (ltm->next && tvgeq(ltm->next->tv, *tv)) ltm = ltm->next; tm->next = ltm->next; ltm->next = tm; } } void waitfor(int delay) { /* wait while reading and responding to X events and reading server stuff */ struct timeval tv, till, now; int r = 0; fd_set rfds; XEvent xev; interrupt = 0; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); till = now; till.tv_usec += delay; tvnormal(till); while (XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterReading) > 0) { XNextEvent(display, &xev); doevent(&xev); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); } do { flushbuf(); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); if (timer0) { while (timer0) { if (tvgeq(now, timer0->tv)) dofirsttimer(); else break; } } if (tvgeq(now, till)) break; else tvdiff(&till, &now, &tv); if (timer0 && tvgeq(till, timer0->tv)) tvdiff(&timer0->tv, &now, &tv); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(XFD, &rfds); if (!standalone) FD_SET(sfd, &rfds); r = select(XFD > sfd ? XFD + 1 : sfd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (r < 0 && errno != EINTR) { perror("select"); fatal("fatal: select() failed"); } if (r < 0) FD_ZERO(&rfds); if (FD_ISSET(XFD, &rfds)) { while (XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterReading) > 0) { XNextEvent(display, &xev); doevent(&xev); } } if (FD_ISSET(sfd, &rfds)) doserverstuff(); if (timer0) { while (timer0) { if (tvgeq(now, timer0->tv)) dofirsttimer(); else break; } } } while (!interrupt); } void lostfallstep(struct timeval *tm, struct lostfalldata *lfd) { struct timeval ntm; int i; if (lfd->u->haslost) { memcpy(&oldpittmp[0][0], &(lfd->u->pit[0][0]), PITSIZE*sizeof(int)); if (lfd->counter < ROWS) { for (i=0; iu->pit[ROWS-1 - lfd->counter][i] = GRAY; } else { for (i=0; iu->pit[lfd->counter - ROWS][i] = EMPTY; } refreshuser(lfd->u); if (++lfd->counter >= ROWS*2) free(lfd); else { ntm = *tm; ntm.tv_usec += 50000; tvnormal(ntm); addtimer(&ntm, (v_vtp)lostfallstep, (void *)lfd); } } else free(lfd); } void handlemessages(); void do_replay(struct user *u) { if (nread + u->replaylen > BUFLEN) fatal("Internal error: read buffer overflow"); if (u->replaylen) { memcpy(readbuf+nread, u->replaybuf, u->replaylen); nread += u->replaylen; u->replaylen = 0; handlemessages(); } } void flashlinestep(struct timeval *tm, struct flashlinedata *fld) { struct timeval ntm; int i; if (fld->u->flashing) { fld->color = (fld->color+1) % 7; for (i=0; inlines; i++) DrawLine(fld->u, fld->color, fld->lines[i]); XFlush(display); if (++fld->counter < 3) { ntm = *tm; ntm.tv_usec += 80000; tvnormal(ntm); addtimer(&ntm, (v_vtp)flashlinestep, (void *)fld); } else { memcpy(&oldpittmp[0][0], &fld->oldpit, PITSIZE*sizeof(int)); fld->u->flashing = 0; refreshuser(fld->u); do_replay(fld->u); free(fld); } } else { memcpy(&oldpittmp[0][0], &fld->oldpit, PITSIZE*sizeof(int)); fld->u->flashing = 0; refreshuser(fld->u); do_replay(fld->u); free(fld); } } void falldown(struct user *u) { struct lostfalldata *lfd; struct timeval tv; u->haslost = 1; lfd = mmalloc(sizeof(struct lostfalldata)); lfd->u = u; lfd->counter = 0; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tv.tv_usec += 50000; tvnormal(tv); addtimer(&tv, (v_vtp)lostfallstep, (void *)lfd); } int checkstore(struct user *u, int len) { unsigned char *s; if (u->flashing) { if (u->replaylen + len + 4 >= BUFLEN) fatal("Internal error: replay buffer overflow"); s = u->replaybuf + u->replaylen; *s++ = 0; *s++ = 0; *s++ = 0; *s++ = len; memcpy(s, buf, len); u->replaylen += len + 4; return 0; } else return 1; } char isyou; char *getid(unsigned char c) { static char rs[32]; struct user *u = &me; sprintf(rs, "(unknown)(%d)", c); if (c == 0) { strcpy(rs, "the server"); } else if (c == me.number) { strcpy(rs, "you"); isyou = 1; } else { isyou = 0; for (; u; u=u->next) if (u->number == c) sprintf(rs, "client %d (%s)", u->number, u->nick); } return rs; } void handlemessages() { unsigned int len; struct user *u, *v = NULL; int i, j, x0 = -1; unsigned char *c, *s; struct flashlinedata *fld; struct timeval tv; static char msgbuf[300]; while (nread >= 4 && nread >= 4 + readbuf[3]) { len = readbuf[3]; if (readbuf[0] || readbuf[1] || readbuf[2]) fatal("Wrong server line length"); memcpy(buf, &readbuf[4], len); nread -= 4 + len; copydown(readbuf, readbuf + 4 + len, nread); switch(buf[1]) { case OP_YOUARE: me.number = buf[0]; break; case OP_NEW: for (u=&me; u; u=u->next) { if (u->number == buf[0]) fatal("fatal: duplicate player id"); else { v = u; if (u->x0 > x0) x0 = u->x0; } } v->next = u = mmalloc(sizeof(struct user)); u->number = buf[0]; u->games = (len >= 4 ? buf[2] * 256 + buf[3] : 0); u->nick[0] = 0; u->next = NULL; for (i=0; ipit[j][i] = EMPTY; u->x0 = x0 + X_EACH; u->haslost = u->flashing = u->replaylen = 0; width += X_EACH; if (!textbutton) textbutton = DeclareButton(XTXT, YTXT, WTXT, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Text", ALIGN_CENTER, c_txt); scrollcols += WSCROLLRESIZE; SetTextScrollWidth(msgscroll, scrollcols); SetTextEntryWidth(msgentry, scrollcols); sprintf(msgbuf, "new client connected (%d)", u->number); sysmsg(msgbuf); UpdateWinSize(); break; case OP_GONE: u = finduser(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s disconnected", getid(buf[0])); sysmsg(msgbuf); if (checkstore(u, len)) { for (v=&me; v; v=v->next) { if (v->x0 > u->x0) v->x0 -= X_EACH; if (v->next == u) v->next = u->next; } width -= X_EACH; if (me.next == NULL && textbutton != NULL) { RemoveButton(textbutton); textbutton = NULL; } scrollcols -= WSCROLLRESIZE; SetTextScrollWidth(msgscroll, scrollcols); SetTextEntryWidth(msgentry, scrollcols); if (visiblemsgs && me.next == NULL) { height -= HSCROLLRESIZE; visiblemsgs = 0; } UpdateWinSize(); free(u); } break; case OP_BADVERS: { static char tmpbuf[128]; sprintf(tmpbuf, "Protocol version mismatch: server expects %d.%d.x instead of %d.%d.%d", buf[2], buf[3], PROT_VERS_1, PROT_VERS_2, PROT_VERS_3); fatal(tmpbuf); } break; case OP_PLAY: s = getid(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s start%s game", s, isyou ? "" : "s"); sysmsg(msgbuf); got_play = interrupt = 1; break; case OP_PAUSE: s = getid(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s pause%s game", s, isyou ? "" : "s"); sysmsg(msgbuf); paused = interrupt = 1; ChangeButtonAppearance(pausebutton, 1, NULL, -1); break; case OP_CONT: s = getid(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s continue%s game", s, isyou ? "" : "s"); sysmsg(msgbuf); paused = 0; interrupt = 1; ChangeButtonAppearance(pausebutton, 0, NULL, -1); break; case OP_LINES: u = finduser(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends the wrong number of lines (ignored)", getid(buf[0])); if (funmode) { switch(buf[2]) { case 1: addsquares++; sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends you one square", getid(buf[0])); break; case 2: addlines++; sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends you one line", getid(buf[0])); break; case 3: addlines += 3; sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends you 3 lines", getid(buf[0])); break; case 4: sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends you 5 lines", getid(buf[0])); addlines += 5; break; } } else { if (buf[2] >= 2 && buf[2] <= 4) { sprintf(msgbuf, "%s sends you %d lines", getid(buf[0]), (int)buf[2]); addlines += buf[2]; } } sysmsg(msgbuf); break; case OP_LINESTO: strcpy(msgbuf, getid(buf[0])); strcat(msgbuf, isyou ? " send " : " sends "); s = msgbuf + strlen(msgbuf); strcpy(s, "the wrong number of lines (ignored)"); if (funmode) { switch(buf[2]) { case 1: sprintf(s, "one square to %s", getid(buf[3])); break; case 2: sprintf(s, "one line to %s", getid(buf[3])); break; case 3: sprintf(s, "3 lines to %s", getid(buf[3])); break; case 4: sprintf(s, "5 lines to %s", getid(buf[3])); break; } } else { if (buf[2] >= 2 && buf[2] <= 4) sprintf(s, "%d lines to %s", (int)buf[2], getid(buf[3])); } sysmsg(msgbuf); break; case OP_WON: u = finduser(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s %s the game", getid(buf[0]), isyou ? "win" : "wins"); sysmsg(msgbuf); u->games++; updategames(u); break; case OP_ZERO: sprintf(msgbuf, "%s reset%s game counters", getid(buf[0]), isyou ? "" : "s"); sysmsg(msgbuf); for (v=&me; v; v=v->next) { v->games = 0; updategames(v); } break; case OP_NICK: u = finduser(buf[0]); buf[len] = 0; sprintf(msgbuf, "%s calls itself %s", getid(buf[0]), &buf[2]); sysmsg(msgbuf); strncpy(u->nick, &buf[2], MAXNICKLEN); DrawButton(1, 1, XNICK + u->x0, YNICK, WNICK, HTEXTENTRIES, u->nick, ALIGN_CENTER, 0); XFlush(display); break; case OP_MSG: u = finduser(buf[0]); buf[len] = 0; msgfrom(u, &buf[2]); break; case OP_DRAW: u = finduser(buf[0]); if (checkstore(u, len)) { len -= 2; c = &buf[2]; while (len >= 3) { DrawSqr(u, c[2], c[0], c[1]); u->pit[c[1]][c[0]] = c[2]; c += 3; len -= 3; } if (len != 0) fatal("fatal: crap at the end of an OP_DRAW"); XFlush(display); } break; case OP_FALL: if (len > 6 && len < 3) fatal("fatal: wrong OP_FALL command"); u = finduser(buf[0]); if (checkstore(u, len)) { fld = mmalloc(sizeof(struct flashlinedata)); memcpy(fld->lines, &buf[2], len-2); fld->counter = 0; fld->u = u; fld->nlines = len - 2; fld->color = i = my_rand() % 7; u->flashing = 1; u->lines += len - 2; updatelines(u); for (j=2; joldpit[0][0], &(u->pit[0][0]), PITSIZE*sizeof(int)); for (j=2; joldpit[buf[j]][i] |= 0x100; } } break; case OP_GROW: u = finduser(buf[0]); if (checkstore(u, len)) { memcpy(&oldpittmp[0][0], &(u->pit[0][0]), PITSIZE*sizeof(int)); growline(u); refreshuser(u); } break; case OP_LOST: u = finduser(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s has lost", getid(buf[0])); sysmsg(msgbuf); if (checkstore(u, len)) { falldown(u); } break; case OP_CLEAR: u = finduser(buf[0]); if (checkstore(u, len)) { for (i=0; ipit[j][i] = EMPTY; SetColor(color[EMPTY][1]); XFillRectangle(display, win, gc, u->x0 + XPIT, YPIT, WPITIN, HPITIN); XFlush(display); } break; case OP_LEVEL: s = getid(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s set%s level %d", s, isyou ? "" : "s", (int)buf[2]); sysmsg(msgbuf); setlevel(buf[2]); break; case OP_MODE: s = getid(buf[0]); sprintf(msgbuf, "%s set%s %s mode", s, isyou ? "" : "s", buf[2] ? "fun" : "normal"); sysmsg(msgbuf); set_mode(buf[2]); break; } } } void doserverstuff() { int r; r = read(sfd, readbuf + nread, BUFLEN - nread); if (r < 0) fatal("Error reading from server"); if (r == 0) fatal("Connection to server lost"); nread += r; handlemessages(); } void startserver() { char *options[2]; int n = 0; options[0] = options[1] = NULL; if (norestart) options[n++] = "-norestart"; if (nospeedup) options[n++] = "-nospeedup"; switch (fork()) { case 0: execlp( #ifdef XTRISPATH XTRISPATH "/xtserv", #else "xtserv", #endif "xtserv", "-once", options[0], options[1], NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Can't start server '%s'.\n", #ifdef XTRISPATH XTRISPATH "/xtserv"); #else "xtserv"); #endif _exit(1); case -1: fatal("fork() failed"); default: return; } } void connect2server(char *h) { struct hostent *hp; struct sockaddr_in s; struct protoent *tcpproto; int on = 1, i; if (h) { if ((s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(h)) == -1) { hp = gethostbyname(h); if (!hp) fatal("Host not found"); s.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)(hp->h_addr_list[0]); } } else s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); s.sin_port = htons(port); s.sin_family = AF_INET; sfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sfd < 0) fatal("Out of file descriptors"); if ((tcpproto = getprotobyname("tcp")) != NULL) setsockopt(sfd, tcpproto->p_proto, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&on, sizeof(int)); if (connect(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&s, sizeof(s)) < 0) { if (!h) { printf("No xtris server on localhost - starting up one ...\n"); startserver(); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { u_sleep(500000); close(sfd); sfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sfd < 0) fatal("Out of file descriptors"); setsockopt(sfd, tcpproto->p_proto, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&on, sizeof(int)); if (connect(sfd, (struct sockaddr *)&s, sizeof(s)) >= 0) break; } if (i==6) fatal("Can't connect to server"); } else fatal("Can't connect to server"); } } void sigchld() { #ifdef NeXT while (wait3(NULL, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED, NULL) > 0); #else while (waitpid(0, NULL, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED) > 0); #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j; char *s, *setnick = NULL; #ifndef NeXT struct sigaction sact; #endif struct user *u; struct toggle *t; #ifdef NeXT signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld); #else sact.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&sact.sa_mask); sact.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sact, NULL); sact.sa_handler = sigchld; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sact, NULL); #endif while (argc >= 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-bw") == 0) { argv++; argc--; bw = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0) { printf( "Use: xtris [options] [server.name [port]]\n" "Options: -display machine:0 -- set the display\n" " -k keys -- set keys (default is \"JjklL \")\n" " -n nick -- sets the nickname of the player\n" " -s -- standalone mode\n" " -bw -- force black & white\n" " -big -- bigger squares\n" " -flashy -- use flashier colors\n" " -norestart -- pass a -norestart to the server\n" " -nospeedup -- pass a -nospeedup to the server\n" " -v -- show xtris version\n" ); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-big") == 0) { sqrsize = 20; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v") == 0) { printf("xtris version " VERSION "\n"); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-display") == 0) { if (argc < 3) fatal("Missing argument for -display"); disp = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-n") == 0) { if (argc < 3) fatal("Missing argument for -n"); setnick = argv[2]; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) { standalone = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-norestart") == 0) { norestart = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-nospeedup") == 0) { nospeedup = 1; argv++; argc--; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-k") == 0) { if (argc < 3) fatal("Missing argument for -k"); if (strlen(argv[2]) < 6) fatal("List of keys too short: must be 6 characters"); for (i=0; i<6; i++) keys[i] = (KeySym)argv[2][i]; keysspecified = 1; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-flashy") == 0) { argv++; argc--; flashy = 1; } else if (argv[1][0] == '-') { fatal("Unrecognized option, try \"xtris -help\""); } else if (serverhost == NULL) { serverhost = argv[1]; argv++; argc--; } else if (port != 0) { fatal("Too many arguments, try \"xtris -help\""); } else { port = atoi(argv[1]); if (port < 1024) fatal("Bad port number"); argv++; argc--; } } me.number = 0; me.lines = 0; me.games = 0; me.x0 = LEFTSIDE; if ((s = getenv("XTRISNAME")) || (s = getenv("NETTRISNAME")) || (s = getlogin())) strncpy(me.nick, s, MAXNICKLEN); else strcpy(me.nick, "unknown"); me.next = NULL; if (port == 0) port = DEFAULTPORT; if (!standalone) connect2server(serverhost); /* possibly NULL */ scrollcols = WSCROLL - WSCROLLRESIZE; init_X(); if (setnick != NULL) strncpy(me.nick, setnick, MAXNICKLEN); quitbutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YQUIT, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Quit", ALIGN_CENTER, c_quit); playbutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YPLAY, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Start", ALIGN_CENTER, c_play); pausebutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YPAUSE, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 0, "Pause", ALIGN_CENTER, c_pause); modebutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YMODE, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Normal", ALIGN_CENTER, c_mode); verbosebutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YVERBOSE, WBTNS, HBTNS, verbose, 0, "Verbose", ALIGN_CENTER, c_verbose); clearbutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YCLEAR, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Clear", ALIGN_CENTER, c_clear); if (!standalone) { botbutton = DeclareButton(XBTNS, YBOT, WBTNS, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Bot", ALIGN_CENTER, c_bot); } t = leveltogs[5] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+26, YLVLS+26, WL, HL, "5", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed5, NULL); leveltogs[4] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS, YLVLS+26, WL, HL, "4", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed4, t); leveltogs[6] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+52, YLVLS+26, WL, HL, "6", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed6, t); leveltogs[1] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS, YLVLS, WL, HL, "1", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed1, t); leveltogs[2] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+26, YLVLS, WL, HL, "2", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed2, t); leveltogs[3] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+52, YLVLS, WL, HL, "3", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed3, t); leveltogs[7] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS, YLVLS+52, WL, HL, "7", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed7, t); leveltogs[8] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+26, YLVLS+52, WL, HL, "8", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed8, t); leveltogs[9] = DeclareToggle(XLVLS+52, YLVLS+52, WL, HL, "9", ALIGN_CENTER, c_speed9, t); msgentry = DeclareTextEntry(XMSGENTRY, YMSGENTRY, scrollcols, 240, "", 1, c_msgentry); msgscroll = DeclareTextScroll(XSCROLL, YSCROLL, WSCROLL, HSCROLL, color[TEXT][2], msgentry); zerobutton = DeclareButton(XZERO, YZERO, WZERO, HBTNS, 0, 1, "Zero", ALIGN_CENTER, c_zero); nickentry = DeclareTextEntry(XNICK + me.x0, YNICK, WNICKCHARS, MAXNICKLEN, "", 0, c_setnick); SimulateTextEntry(nickentry, me.nick); x_initted = 1; buf[1] = OP_VERSION; buf[2] = PROT_VERS_1; buf[3] = PROT_VERS_2; buf[4] = PROT_VERS_3; sendbuf(5); DrawFrame(); for (i=0; inext) { u->haslost = 0; u->flashing = 0; u->replaylen = 0; u->lines = 0; updatelines(u); } for (i=0; i