

prerequisites & compiling

install required dev libs

  apt-get install libfftw3-dev libjack-dev

build it



if everything went fine, the directory contains 4 binaries

usage gigargoyle

Usage: gigargoyle [OPTION...] 
Control a moodlamp matrix using a TCP socket

  -f, --foreground           Stay in foreground; don't daemonize
  -i, --port-is=PORT_IS      Listening port for instant streaming clients
  -l, --logfile=LOGFILE      Path to log file
  -p, --pretend              Only pretend to send data to ttys but instead just
                             log sent data
      --pidfile=PIDFILE      Path to pid file
  -q, --port-qm=PORT_QM      Listening port for the acabspool
      --uart-0=UART_0        Path to uart-0
      --uart-1=UART_1        Path to uart-1
      --uart-2=UART_2        Path to uart-2
      --uart-3=UART_3        Path to uart-3
  -w, --port-web=PORT_WEB    Listening port for web clients
  -x, --acab-x=WIDTH         Width of matrix in pixels
  -y, --acab-y=HEIGHT        Height of matrix in pixels
  -?, --help                 Give this help list
      --usage                Give a short usage message


Starting gigargoyle

./gigargoyle -f -p --pidfile=./ --logfile=./test.log  

Default Ports (when running with port cmdln params):

#define PORT_QM  0xabac /* tcp port for the queing manager */
#define PORT_IS  0xacab /* tcp port for instant streamers  */
#define PORT_WEB   8080 /* tcp port for live watchers      */

Some hints:

  1. If you use ports < 1024 gigargoyle must be run as root (not recommended!)
  2. pidfile and logfile should be writeable. Default /var/log and /var/pid has to be writeable by user
  3. port-web could not be given at command line, patch attached
  4. if you plan to use puertoplayer WEB Port 8080 ist required
  5. If you have already an service running on that port, shut it down!

The following patch is now already included in distribution 0001-gixed-web_port-argument-handling-the-cmdline-argumen.patch