====== Braindumps eines kleinen Fishhirns ====== ====== Webservices ====== * https://www.team-cymru.org/Services/ip-to-asn.html * curl ipinfo.io/ * whois -h asn.shadowserver.org "origin" ===== SSH Escape Sequences ===== Supported escape sequences: ~. - terminate session ~B - send a BREAK to the remote system ~R - Request rekey (SSH protocol 2 only) ~# - list forwarded connections ~? - this message (Help) ~~ - send the escape character by typing it twice (Note that escapes are only recognized immediately after newline.) ===== i3lock with systemd and lid close ===== /etc/systemd/system/i3lock.service # source: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1170536#p1170536 by 65kid # [Unit] Description=i3lock Before=sleep.target [Service] User=the_login_of_the_user_that_suspends Type=forking Environment=DISPLAY=:0 ExecStart=/usr/bin/i3lock [Install] WantedBy=sleep.target # systemctl enable i3lock.service ===== Git Gnome Keyring Helper (for https credentials) ===== sudo apt-get install libgnome-keyring-dev cd /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/gnome-keyring sudo make git config --global credential.helper /usr/share/doc/git/contrib/credential/gnome-keyring/git-credential-gnome-keyring ===== Enforce Gnome Keyring Store in Chromium ===== /etc/chromium.d/pn-passwordstore CHROMIUM_FLAGS="$CHROMIUM_FLAGS --password-store=gnome" ===== mosh allocate pseudo tty ===== mosh [server] -- tmux a